California Counties

California Counties is an unexpected subject for a geography app. Is it too narrow? For me, creating this app is more like a joke than I really believe that it may become popular.

The English description of the game is the following:

I was searching the topic for the geography quiz when a strange (crazy?) idea came to my mind: why am I studying Africa or Europe while the Golden State of California doesn’t have a trivia game about its counties?
I lived for a year in Alameda county. I’ve been in Orange county several times. I have visited many California’s national and state parks. Still I have had no idea how many counties are in CA (the right answer is 58). As usual, the best way to learn all those 58 counties, their county seats and locations on the California map is to create an app about them. Testing the app, I’d have a plenty of time to browse them all from San Diego in the south to Crescent City in the north, from the famous CA ocean coast to Mohave desert and the Sierra Nevada mountains.

I localized this app only into English, Spanish, and Russian.

icons for buttons were downloaded from iconmonstr or were created with Font Awesome.


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Filed under Games, Geography

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